Glenmore Cricket Club News story

Umpiring Workshop, Feb 21st

22 Jan 2015

Glenmore CC will be hosting our first ever Umpiring Workshop on Saturday 21st February, 12pm-3pm. Tony Pasternak and Alex Storey will be running the event, to be held at the Windsor Park Community Association, which will hopefully give a thorough overview of how best to umpire games here in Calgary.
A lot of members are reluctant to volunteer to umpire because they don't have much umpiring experience, or aren't 100% sure of some Laws or playing conditions. This workshop will try to give the most important information umpires need to know; the most important Laws to know, playing conditions specific to Calgary cricket, common issues that come up and how best to handle them.
We hope it will be a fun, interesting afternoon so do please try to come along. If you wish to attend contact Alex Storey at