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Glenmore Cricket Club News story

Thanks to Glenmore CC members!

19 Jul 2013

There are many reasons to be proud of our cricket club, and the past month has given us even more! The way the club has responded since the city was hit by floods has been quite incredible.

There are too many to thank personally, but to everyone who helped with the clean up at Jon and Heather Smith's place...thank you!

To everyone who donated money to the collection we had for the Smith's...thank you! The final amount was a little over $1500, which was an awesome effort.

And to everyone who came out last night to play in our charity T20 game...thank you. It was very frustrating that the planned game was somewhat curtailed by the weather, but at least we managed to collect almost $400 and have some fun.

Everyone in the club has given so much, it has given even more weight to the argument that we are the best cricket club in town, and we should all be very proud to be a part of it.

There will be one last fundraising effort. We have a brand new Slazenger V200 bat and a brand new pair of top-of-the-line Gray Nicolls batting gloves. These were very kindly donated by Sohail Abdullah and will be auctioned or raffled in the coming weeks. I will send out details shortly.

So, once again...THANK YOU!