Please read the following information carefully. Hopefully it will answer most questions our members have about the 2020 cricket season.
- As things stand there will be no cricket (league games or practice games) permitted until September 1st.
- The plan is to play the T20 league season in September.
- Club practices (with social distancing rules applied) will hopefully commence on a weekly basis from June to August.
- Refunds for playing membership fees will be available to those who request them.
- Social membership fees can also be refunded upon request, but that will mean you are no longer a member of the club and will be removed from mailing list
- Members NOT requesting refunds may use this years payment toward their 2021 playing membership fees.
- Anyone who has their playing membership fees refunded may not then pay again later in the year if and when we start playing. Keep in mind, dates of when cricket can be played may still change.
- If you would like your playing membership fees refunded please send us an email to
I would ask that members refrain from requesting refunds until we have definitive word regarding the cancellation of the Weekend and Weeknight season, although obviously you are welcome to request a refund whenever you wish.
If you have any questions of queries, please direct them to the club executive by emailing