Glenmore Cricket Club News story

Club Update - 2020 Cricket Season

11 May 2020

Last week we had a meeting with the Calgary & District Cricket League to get an update on how things stand for the 2020 season. Obviously the situation we're in is unique and things may change as we go along, but as things stand here's how it looks for the Summer;

  • No team sports permitted before August 31st. 
  • Plan is to play the T20 league in September/October

If the date we can play is moved forward then hopefully we will have the opportunity to play more cricket. However, the chances of having a Weekend League or a Weeknight League this year are looking quite slim.

We are having a club executive meeting this week to discuss membership payments, refunds and how we'll handle all those issues. Once some decisions have been made we will communicate them to everyone. Please be patient in the meantime.

Obviously this is a difficult and frustrating time, and we would all love to be playing cricket as soon as possible. But, we will have to continue to follow the advisories and wait until we get the green light. 

Stay safe and stay well.
