Another colder than hoped for event still did not manage to deter the hardy few, intent on having a good time and raising some funds for our junior cricket program. Everyone was very generous and we collected $280 selling a variety of mulligans, foot wedges and hand throws.
14 golfers turned up and were prepared, both with clothing and alcohol, to brave the elements and all survived to play another day.
With lots of prizes from our generous donors: Lumina Management Consultants, Secret Spirits and AECON most folk were rewarded for turning up. Top prize of a new wedge went to our own former President, Ryan Jenkinson, who was luckier in the draw than on the course!
Chris from the City of Calgary took home a prize for sinking a foot wedge from off the green for a birdie, and his colleagues won the low score and a few other prizes (straightest drive, nearest the pin) so hopefully they will return and maybe we can get them to try out cricket next season.
Thanks to everyone who joined us and our donors. Hopefully next year the weather will be kinder and we get a few more people joining in the fun.