Following the recent departure of our former President (Jonathan Smith) and former Secretary (Heather Smith) there has been a reshuffle among the club Executives and a new face added.
Congratulations to Sudanshu Chopra on becoming the new club President. We welcome Wasim Naqshbandi to the executive for the first time, taking on the role of Vice-President. Alex Storey is back in the fold as Secretary. Aman Jaswal is our new Social Secretary, and Mr Ken Beaumont continues as our loyal and trusted Treasurer.
No doubt these gentlemen will do an excellent job. Please give them your support and assistance in the coming months as we plan for the Winter and the 2019 season.
We also thank the following members for volunteering to help out in various sub-committees; Gautam Verma, Rashpal Singh, Anjan Singh, Steven Schunker, PJ Deol, Ryan Jenkinson, Nix Gunawardhena.
Remember, if you wish to contact the club for any reason, please email