Glenmore Cricket Club News story

2017 AGM - New Exec and New Bylaws

16 Nov 2017

Last night we had the Glenmore CC AGM. The minutes for the meeting are attached.

A big thanks to those of you who took the time to attend. Our membership must be incredibly happy with all aspects of the club though as we had another low turnout. Please remember that the AGM is your best opportunity to influence the management and running of the club so do please try to attend in future. If we want to keep the club moving forward and want to achieve our long term goals we will need a more engaged, involved, proactive membership. If we continue to rely on the efforts of a handful of people progress will be difficult.

There were some changes in the club Executive. Ryan Jenkinson stepped down as club President, Rebecca Wolstenholme resigned as Social Secretary and Jody Honywood resigned as Junior Coordinator. We thank each of them for all their incredible work over a number of years. The club is in their debt.

The new club President is Jonathan Smith, who has been a club stalwart for many years. We welcome Sudanshu Chopra to the Executive for the first time. He is the new Vice-President.Heather Smith (Secretary) and Ken Beaumont (Treasurer) remain in their roles. We thank the team for their continued efforts on behalf of the club.

We also adopted the new Bylaws for the club. These were distributed a few weeks ago, but the final version agreed upon last night will be sent out to all our members once it has been approved by Alberta Registries.

There are a number of areas we will require assistance between now and the new season, so we urge you to contact us if you are able to help in any of the following ways;

  • Junior cricket - We are looking for people willing to be the new Junior coordinator or would be willing help with coaching
  • Sponsorship - We would love to have new uniforms for the coming season, so it would be great to have some new shirt sponsors. If you have any leads on businesses that might be keen to sponsor us please let us know asap.
  • Social Events - We are looking for a new Social Secretary...someone to take a lead in planning social events. Also, we ask everyone to let us know if they have ideas for social events.

Finally, if you have any suggestions, questions, or comments regarding the club please do not hesitate to get in touch. All emails should go to;