ALEX STOREY: First of all, congratulations on being elected as skipper of the 2nd XI this year. How are you looking forward to leading the team this Summer? Second time you've led the 2nds...anything you'll be doing differently this year?
WASIM NAQSHBANDI: Thank you!! It is an honour & privilege to represent Glenmore Cricket Club!! I am very proud to be the Skipper of the team. We have a great group of individuals in the squad. Lots of new faces have joined our ranks. My goal is to have a lot of fun this season and play competitive cricket.
AS: How would you describe your squad and what are your expectations for the team will do? Play-offs a real possibility?
WN: We have a very well balanced squad this year. I expect our team to do well this season. Play-offs is a real possibility.
AS: What will the biggest challenges be do you think, both for you as captain and the team as a whole?
WN: We have lot of new players this season. It will take a few games to get the combinations right. Poor umpiring standards are going to be one of the biggest challenges as always. Some of the teams’ behaviour on & off the field also makes it challenging. I am very optimistic we will lead the way in sportsmanship this season as well.
AS: Any new members of the 2nds squad you're particularly excited about and you think will have a big impact?
WN: I am very excited about Muhammad Hayat. He can have a big impact this season.
AS: The 2nds did pretty well last year. What lessons should be learned from the 2015 season?
WN: We need to improve our batting to make it to playoffs this season.
AS: Any other teams in Div 3 you think will be tough opponents?
WN: There are quite a few teams in Div 3 who will be tough opponents.
AS: I think you have a great bunch of fellas in the 2nd Xi squad...would you agree? Think you'll gel well and have a lot of fun?
WN: I completely agree with your statement. I am very confident we will have a lot of fun as a group. Glenmore boys are the best!!
AS: Will there be a strong social aspect to the 2nd XI this year? Where can we expect to find you post-match?
WN: Social aspect is an important part of Glenmore. We have lot of characters in our team. We have guys like Sandy, Sprogg, Jono & Nadeem in our squad. I don't see with guys like these how we cannot have fun.
AS: It's a must win game, the opposition need one run to win and you need one wicket. The ball gets hit high into the sky...which player do you want under it? And which one do want nowhere near it?
WN: I would like Colin under it. I would not want Nix near it. Sorry Nix.
AS: Anything else to add?
WN: Let the Games Begin!!!!