It is with a great deal of pride I can report that our Spring Junior
Cricket Program started tonight at Absolute Baseball Academy. Our Junior
cricket program has been growing and improving with each passing year,
but tonight we reached new heights with 45 kids, aged from 5 to 15,
coming along to take part. It was fantastic to see so many kids there
enjoying themselves and learning the sport.
I would like to say a huge thanks to all the parents who brought
their kids along...we hope to see you all again next week. And a massive
thanks to everyone who helped out, both in terms of organising the
program and on the night itself; Jody and Matt Honywood, Nix, Ryan,
Aman, Syed, and a special thanks to Adele Deans and Kalie Jane for
assisting with all the admin! We are most appreciative!
As a club we should all be very proud of our junior program and what
we are achieving. We are setting the standards in Calgary when it comes
to junior cricket, and that's a fantastic effort. Glenmore CC...always
striving to raise the bar!
We are always looking for people to help out with coaching too, so just let us know if you'd like to get involved.
Best wishes, your very proud President,
Alex Storey