Glenmore Cricket Club News story

AGM News / Goodbye Tony

27 Oct 2014

Just a quick one to say a big thank you to those members who attended the club AGM on Saturday, and to Jonathan Smith for again hosting us at Golder Associates.
On behalf of the club, I would like to thank Chris Williams for his time and effort as club Secretary. Chris stood down from the position, which has now been taken on by Heather Smith. I'm sure Heather will do a fantastic job and we welcome her aboard the club executive. The other executive positions continue to be filled by myself (President), BJ Wolstenholme (Vice-President) and Ken Beaumont (Treasurer).
Heather will be sending out the minutes of the meeting this week, so keep your eyes peeled for those.

But I should take this opportunity to give a big thanks to everyone who has represented the club this past year, and helped out in various capacities. So, in no particular order, thank you to all the team captains (Jon Smith, Tony Pasternak, Muhammad Pasha, Jon Bray and Wasim Naqshbandi), to the guys and girls who did the junior cricket coaching (led by Hugh Evans and assisted by Alex Robertson, Ryan Jenkinson, Jenna Bart, Matt and Jody Honywood, Ken Beaumont, Tony Pasternak, Regan Black, David Hope-Johnstone), to Rebecca and Heather for organising our social events throughout the year, to Jon Bray for organising the golf day and providing prizes to so many events, to everyone who attended social events, to Trevor DeFreitas for doing such a great job in organising the tour to Vancouver/Victoria, to everyone who assisted at our corporate cricket days (Wayne Lingard, Greg Desbrow, David Sherjan, Ken Beaumont, Bobby Gajendra, George Williams, Jody and Jordan Honywood, Jon Smith), and to everyone who umpired on behalf of the club, particularly Tony Pasternak who did so many games for us.

And on that final note, Tony yesterday flew back to England. He'll be back for a while in the Winter and we'll hopefully have a chance to say our goodbyes to him then, but it's unlikely we'll see him in a Glenmore uniform for a while. So, on behalf of everyone at GCC I would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Tony for everything he has done for the club (serving on the exec, skippering teams, umpiring, helping out at social events, etc, etc). He has given a great deal to Glenmore down the years and he will be sorely missed. So, we wish you well in your retirement and hope to see you back here soon.