Glenmore Cricket Club News story

GCC Squash Tournament, Sat 30th November

05 Nov 2013

The first ever Glenmore CC Squash Tournament is to be held on November 30th. The event is very kindly being organised by Tony Pasternak and George Williams. The details are as follows. If you're keen to attend please contact Tony asap…

Glenmore CC Squash Tournament
Date: Saturday November 30th
Time: 9:45am for 10am start. Tournament End Time is 12 noon.
Venue: Western Canadian Place (WCP) Fitness Centre (707- 8th Ave SW)
Access to Fitness Centre is via NE doors of WCP building. It is located in the basement of the building.

Cost: $20 entry fee (cash or cheque payable to Glenmore Cricket Club)
Parking: On street, probably $3 per hour on a Saturday
Equipment: Balls and racquets will be supplied, but please bring a racquet if you have one 
Draw: Will be published a few days before the event.
Compulsory Participation: Smith, Robertson
Apres: Ceili's on 8th Ave